Please find below updated documents and guidance for playing cricket indoors in England from 17th May 2021.
In England restrictions continue to relax in line with the Government’s Roadmap Out of Lockdown. We must continue to conduct cricket activities in a COVID-19 safe manner.
At Step 3 (17th May) indoor sport facilities may open to the public with some restrictions:
Indoor sport facilities can be used for informal activities by six people or by people from two
households (or support/childcare bubble).
Organised indoor sport is exempt from the gathering limits for adults and children where it
is formally organised and follows relevant measures including COVID-secure guidance but that capacity restrictions for indoor sports facilities including allowing a minimum of 100 sq ft per person for all people in the venue must be adhered to. (The UK Government defines organised sport as: ‘sport which is formally organised by a qualified instructor, club, national governing body [NGB, in the case of cricket – the ECB], company or charity and follows sport-specific guidance’.
All U18s can take part in indoor childcare and supervised activities, including sport and physical activity (such as community sport clubs) subject to restrictions on size of group as set out in the out-of-school settings guidance – From 17 May, in line with the commencement of Step 3 of the roadmap, where wraparound and other extra-curricular activities for children are taking place indoors, they will be able to take place in groups of any number. However, when considering appropriate group sizes, it will be important to take into account the recommended occupancy levels of the premises you are operating from and levels of ventilation.
It will also remain important to continue to minimise mixing between children where possible. This can be achieved by keeping children in separate consistent groups, or in smaller groups where it is not possible to do this.
We continue to advise that parents and carers should not routinely be present during sessions in out-of-school settings or wraparound childcare provision when needed to care for a child. Where parents do attend, you should consider the ability to maintain social distancing in line with the current guidance (children under five years of age do not count towards the attendee limit).
Indoor organised sport is permitted where it is part of formal education, and can take place
indoors if necessary, but outdoor provision should be prioritised. You can find more information in the Department for Education guidance on actions for schools. Pupils should be kept in consistent groups, with sports equipment thoroughly cleaned between each use by different individual groups.
Changing rooms can be used but only where absolutely necessary and only for the minimum time possible (for example, by arriving in kit and showering at home) and to minimise time spent in the changing area. Changing room capacity should be calculated using the 100 sq ft (9.3 m2) per person rule and the capacity should be clearly indicated at the point of entry.
Facilities should inform participants that these are areas of increased risk and that they should shower and change at home where possible.
Indoor cricket activity must adhere to the rules on social distancing.
Spectators are permitted to watch indoor events, but is subject to legal gathering limits (i.e.
6 people or 2 households (households can include an existing bubble) unless an exemption
applies) and an overall maximum of 1000 or 50% of a venue’s capacity, whichever is lower.
Car sharing is permitted at Step 3 for sport in accordance with the government guidance for
safer travel.
In relation to England: Checklists for venue operators and coaching providers and clubs and a risk assessment template are all available.
All of these documents can also be accessed in the ECB Resource Hub here. A reminder to create an account if you have not done so already.