Devon Cricket is delighted to communicate changes that we are implementing to our Cricket Pathway in which Youth Development Cricket will replace District Cricket on 1st September 2018.
Youth Development Cricket is an exciting new programme that will provide a greater and more equal opportunity to more players across the County. With greater exposure we feel players will develop faster and more holistically as cricketers and people.
Reasons for Change:
After a review and consultation process undertaken by the ECB and DCB, feedback obtained via player/parent survey, discussions with current District and County Coaches & Managers and through the Board’s experience, the main areas for consideration are:
- Equality across the County (time, cost, delivery, facilities and matches). – feedback stated there was inequality between different Districts and what players were able to access. It was felt that, irrespective of geographical location, players should have the same opportunities.
- Programme to be centrally managed – it was felt that if the programme was managed centrally, equality would be easier to achieve and create greater levels of efficiency.
- Consistent delivery and quality coaching – The consensus was that there is a disparity in the quality and consistency of the coaching & programme being delivered.
- Clear and transparent selection criteria – it was felt that there were inconsistent selection policies at the assessment days.
Process to agree a structure:
In reaching a new structure which is communicated below, we have been through the following process:
- A ‘Devon - Pathway Steering Group’ has been established and tasked with reviewing District Cricket. This review was supported an ECB review of County Age Groups and a player and parent survey.
- A further meeting of the steering group was held to discuss numerous options about how to improve the offer for young cricketers in Devon. Following this, a document proposing Youth Development Cricket was drafted & sent out to the wider cricketing public in Devon for consultation.
- Local consultation meetings were held around the County to discuss the new proposal. Written feedback was also collected from parents, coaches and managers.
- A final meeting of the steering group was held to discuss feedback from this consultation paper and to agree the detail behind a new structure.
- This new structure has been agreed and is now ready for publication
New Structure – What it looks like:
Youth Development cricket is to provide a level of cricket that sits between Club Cricket and County Age Group Cricket with the aim:
“To identify talented players within a structured environment, where they are encouraged to develop as an individual and as a team”.
- Introduce junior players to various & longer formats of the game.
- Provide an equality of training and playing opportunities across the County.
- Embed a talent ID policy to identify talent & develop players & coaches.
- The chance for girls to play in all female teams
- Create a support network for coaches and managers
- An efficient centralised administration system
The Structure
- To be run centrally by the DCB office & Professional Staff.
- Supported by key volunteer managers & coaches in each region.
- Newly established Development Centres will have a Head Coach who will oversee the programme aided by an assistant coach for each age group.
- There will be no minimum or maximum numbers for each age group. For players to be selected they must reach the desired standard and meet the selection criteria.
- A comprehensive winter training programme.
- April implementation begins.
- April & May, all bookings completed.
- May - July Advertise and appoint managers and coaches.
- 1st June – 31st July online nomination period.
- August/September, assessment to take place.
- November – April, Indoor training for the Development Centres and the County Age Groups.
Please note the above is just a guide and dates/timings may change.
Devon Cricket would like to thank everybody who has provided input to help shape the development of this new structure. This includes parents and players who have completed surveys in the past, County/District coaches and managers who have been very supportive with their feedback and also the steering group who have been very generous with their time providing feedback and attend meetings to discuss these changes.
Devon Cricket is very confident that we have created an exciting structure that is fit for purpose in terms of providing a robust new stage of the pathway between club and County cricket. With any change, we accept that year one is always going to be critical in terms of understanding whether the changes are having the impact we desire. Therefore, we will not be afraid to continuously review the new structure we have put in place, and so on that note we continue to welcome any feedback from the whole cricket network in Devon with regards to our representative cricket structure and the pathway we deliver.
Any queries please contact - Pathway & Coaching Manager