We are delighted to announce the launch of the Devon Cricket Chance to Shine School of the Term.
The award will be given to schools that fully embrace the Chance to Shine programmes delivered by our Club & Community Coaches.
We are also proud to announce our first-ever winners: St Margaret's CofE Juniors.
"Both children and teachers have got fully involved in all the skills development and games-based activities throughout Term 4," says North Devon Club & Community Coach, Martin Brice. "St Margaret's fully embraced their Chance to Shine programme and are worthy winners of the School of the Term award."
St Margaret's shared a 6-week Whole School Programme with St George's Infants over the course of the term, with the school seeing increased enjoyment from pupils whilst doing physical activities (particularly cricket) and developing a range of physical and personal skills.
"Pupils said they felt they got better at cricket and wanted to do more of it outside of the sessions to show their friends what they had learnt," says head teacher Sam Malyn. "The sessions reinforced the key principles that to achieve improved sport-based learning, you need to break down the skills to master them."
Martin's sessions weren't only a benefit for the pupils, with teachers also having a positive learning experience and getting to spend more time directly with their students.
"Feedback from the teachers has been that the programme has supported their continued professional development in developing and delivering PE sessions, and they look forward to trying out some new delivery methods and cricket activities.
"A big plus was that they have been able to have some quality engagement time with their pupils to learn more about them, which is time they don't always get, while Martin either led or co-delivered sessions."
St Margaret's are now looking to to take the learnings from the Whole School Programme into cricket sessions for other year groups in the next few terms.
"The school would love to have another 6-week programme and for more year groups to be involved next time around. We are also looking at organising a morning for the Year 6 classes to play some small-sided games and then enjoy a lunchtime seaside picnic afterwards."
Find out more about our Whole Schools Programmes on our website or by contacting your local Club & Community Coach.