Important changes have been made to the DBS Update Service for 2025.
We have been notified by the ECB Safeguarding Team of an important change to the process for the DBS Update Service.
The Disclosure and Barring Service has initiated a change in the process of updating certifications for volunteers.
The process previously required an individual (volunteer) to confirm annually to the ECB that they were continuing in their role, which facilitated the automatic renewal of their DBS certificate.
The individual would receive a separate notification from the Disclosure and Barring Service indicating to them that they are not required to take any action to update their certificate and their subscription would continue.
New Process for 2025
The Disclosure and Barring Service has now modified its user agreement, mandating that all individuals log into their update service account to renew their subscription on an annual basis.
Should this not be actioned, their account will lapse, resulting in a failed check for the ECB, and the individual will be required to apply for a new DBS certificate as the DBS does not permit the reinstatement of Update Service subscriptions after lapsing.
The key actions are:
- Please communicate this important change to volunteers active in regulated roles at your club and the cricket network.
- Please ensure that all volunteers active in regulated roles at your club are aware that they must now respond to both renewal service emails.
- As a volunteer in a regulated role, please ensure that you respond to both emails (details below), confirming the required information and renewing your subscription to the update service:
DBS emails individuals will receive:
- ECB DBS email Titled: ECB DBS Expiry – Important Message – Action required
- DBS Update service email Titled: FYI: Action required to renew your Update Service subscription
Previously there was no action required in relation to the DBS Update service email.
If you require any clarification or support regarding the information above, please contact our County Safeguarding Manager, James May:
07946 343520