(amended December 2022)
- The Competition shall be known as The Brockman Cricket Cup Competition and shall consist of clubs at the committee’s discretion in Devon (South Area).
- Annual General Meeting to be held in December. All club entries to be received by the Secretary 7 days in advance of the meeting. All matters at the annual. to be notified to the Secretary by 15th November and will be circulated to all clubs in advance of the meeting. All clubs shall be entitled to 1 vote only at the ANNUAL MEETING. The draw for Rounds 1&2 will be made at the meeting.
- The Executive Committee shall consist of President, Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Safeguarding Officer and a maximum of 6 members from clubs entered in the competition, all to be elected at the ANNUAL MEETING.
- The Committee shall be empowered to a. Draft new rules, b. Arrange fixtures by means of a draw,
c. Arrange insurance and any other business that may be urgent, d. Deal with finance through an account with a bank and cheques to be signed by 2 of the following officials: Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer.
- Rules of Play. MCC rules to govern all games. All matches to commence at 6. 00pm. 20 overs per side, 4 overs maximum per bowler. Four fielders plus bowler and wicket keeper to be inside a 30-yard circle at the point of delivery, where grounds are not big enough adjustments may be made. Pink balls to be used in all rounds of the competition, in Rounds 1&2 the home side is responsible for providing 1 new ball for the match and any spare balls that might be required. In the Semi- finals and final the competition will supply 1 new ball for each innings with both clubs providing their own spare ball approved by the umpires. Wide ball-umpires to apply a very strict and consistent interpretation concerning this in order to prevent negative bowling wide of the wicket. On the offside any ball passing sufficiently wide of the batsman to prevent contact with the normal striking portion of the bat shall be called ‘wide’, on the leg side any ball passing outside the batsman shall be called ‘wide’. The umpires will be responsible for the fitness of the ground, if in their opinion the game is unlikely to be completed in the allocated overs due to weather conditions they may reduce the overs to 18 per side prior to the commencement of the match. The side scoring the greater number of runs shall be deemed the winner. If the scores are level the following will apply-the side losing the least number of wickets shall deemed the winner, if still equal the side hitting the most boundary sixes, if still equal the side hitting the most boundary fours. If this still fails to produce a result the game will be replayed with the visiting team then becoming the home side. Abandoned games will be replayed completely.
- Eligible Clubs & Players. Clubs in the Devon Cricket League D Division and below will be eligible to play in the competition. The eligibility of players will be based on the standard of cricket played in the previous season. Any player who has played eight or more games at a higher level than the Devon Cricket League D Division will be ineligible. Colts Under 17 as at August 31st of the previous year will be permitted to play in the competition regardless of ability and standard played. The eligibility of any player may be reviewed at any time during the competition and withdrawn if necessary. The registration of overseas players will not be accepted.
- Registration of Players. Each club shall be limited to a registration list of 30 players, an initial list to be submitted to the Secretary by April 23rd each year. Further registrations must be received by the Secretary at least seven days before the player named can play in a match. No additional players to be registered for the semi- final or final.
- Dress. All players must be appropriately dressed at all times.
- Results & Scorers. Each club to supply a scorer for all their fixtures, the competition will supply a scorer for the final only. The results of all matches must be uploaded on Play-Cricket within 48 hours of the match by the home side with the names of all 11 players from both sides entered. .
- Discipline & Protests. In all matters of discipline the current ECB Code of Conduct and Spirit of Cricket Model Discipline Regulations will apply. DCB Appeal Procedure will apply.
- Subscriptions. Entrance fee shall be £25 per team and be payable not later than May 1st each year.
- Payment to Umpires. It is required that the umpires shall be paid £20 each per match for expenses. The umpires to receive payment prior to the commencement of the match.
- Safeguarding & Protecting Children Policy. If required a copy will be available from the Secretary or appear on the DCB. website.