The Devon Cricket Foundation is the governing body responsible for the recreational game in the county.
Our team of staff and volunteers work to enhance cricket locally and deliver on our belief that it is a game for everyone. We are now entering an exciting stage in our development as we transition into a trust and start to form a new Board of Trustees.
We are proud of our track record of engaging our diverse communities across Devon through cricket, but want to do more to grow the game, pioneer new ways to be more inclusive and representative of our county and create safe and welcoming environments for everyone to enjoy the benefits of cricket.
To develop a fun and enabling environment in which more people
in Devon play and are involved in cricket.
We stand against discrimination in all its forms and are committed to ensuring that cricket is a game for everyone.
If you have experienced or witnessed discrimination, we ask that you report this through the ECB. Any reports will then be triaged by the ECB and investigated by the relevant cricket organisation. Further information can be found on our Reporting Discrimination Page.
Since its inception in 1997 the Foundation, and in its previous guise as the Devon Cricket Board, has made huge progress under the Chairmanship of, initially, Roger Moylan-Jones, Jim Wood (2003-2016) and Jon Sparkes (2017-2023).
The Foundation has had the benefit of three outstanding Development Officers in Matt Evans, Stuart Priscott and Matt Theedom.
Following the publication of our second Development Plan the structure of the Board received a major overhaul with the objective of taking the county to even greater heights. It is now time for our third Development Plan and this is being led by Mathew Theedom.
Please enjoy and we record our sincere appreciation the input of the many contributors and agencies to this site that keep the world up to date with regard Devon Cricket.
To view our strategic plan for 2021-2025 please click here.
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